“To dare every day to be irreverent and bold. To dare to preserve the randomness of mind which in children produces strange and wonderful new thoughts and forms. To continually scramble the familiar and bring the old into new juxtaposition.” ---Gordon Webber

Monday, February 11, 2008

I Just Get A Kick Out of Your Baby!

Parents these days need to learn to watch their children more closely. I mean, with a precocious toddler, it is easy to lose track of them if you aren't watching them like a hawk. In the house, if a person has taken all the necessary precautions (though I've never seen a house that is completely baby-proof), they can let their child roam a little as long as they are somewhere in the parents' line of vision. But, in public, a person should never lose track of their child. Something terrible could happen such as an innocent, trusting child walking off with a stranger or, say.... getting kicked in the face by a breakdancer. Don't believe me? Just watch...

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