“To dare every day to be irreverent and bold. To dare to preserve the randomness of mind which in children produces strange and wonderful new thoughts and forms. To continually scramble the familiar and bring the old into new juxtaposition.” ---Gordon Webber

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Final Food Poisoning

Leave it to me to get sick during final exam week. As if I do not already have enough things to catch up on and have not fallen far enough behind...I managed to get food poisoning. The culprit? Our lovely school cafeteria.

I have been eating, at the most, one meal a day for the past few weeks because I do not really have much time to sit down and eat. On Monday, I had a little bit of time so I went to the cafeteria to eat before I met my tutor at the library to get a jump start on studying. I ordered a ham and cheese wrap because it was quick to prepare, quick to eat, and could count as a meal. I was feeling fine until half an hour into studying when I felt a migraine coming on. I laid my head down as I listened to my tutor talk, hoping that it would pass. It didn't. He could see that I really was not feeling way so he sent me home to rest and promised to meet me there when I was ready to resume studying. I woke up two hours later sans headache but now had stomach pains to deal with. I was determined to catch up on studying, however, so I called my tutor and we managed to get through half the material before things took a turn for the worse. I am not going to disgust everyone with the details but it was not pretty.

I went to the school nurse the next day, who confirmed that I had food poisoning and who also identified the cafeteria as the culprit. I was excused from the final that I had missed that same morning and was told that it should pass within 24 hours. It has been more than 24 hours and I'm still not feeling so hot. Needless to say, I have not bought anything edible from the school since. As the days pass, more of my friends are coming down with the same symptoms that I had. Should someone (maybe a health inspector) look into this? Definitely. Should everyone who got sick receive some kind of restitution? Maybe. Will we receive even an apology? Probably not.

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